Valentine Guerrero
Valentine Guerrero manages the Labour Law department and advises, on a daily basis, the Human Resources Department of various companies, in the matter of the management of their social relations, which are often found to be in constrained environments. She also assists and advises the Firm’s clients in the day-to-day management of their individual and collective work relationships (the conclusion, execution and termination of employment contracts, variable remuneration, company agreements, employee savings plans, health and safety at work, transfer of personnel, etc. …).
Specialized in International Labour Law, Valentine advises the Firm’s international clients, mainly Anglo-Saxon, in all areas of Labour Law.
In addition to her labour litigation expertise, Valentine has also developed an expertise in commercial litigation in close collaboration with her partners.
In parallel to her consulting activity, Valentine Guerrero teaches at the Universities of Dijon, Lyon and Montpellier.
Background :
Partner as of October 1st, 2016 ;
Formerly: Associate at Vaughan Avocats (2004 – 2016)
Master’s Degree in Judicial Careers and Criminal Sciences (University Paris X Nanterre – 1999)
Diploma in Advanced Study (Oxford Brookes University – 2000)
Institute for Political Studies (Institut d’ Etudes Politiques) – Paris 2003
Languages: ENG / FR